Thursday, May 28, 2020

What Makes the Best Resume Writing Service?

What Makes the Best Resume Writing Service?The best resume writing service is the one that can tailor fit your application to meet all your needs. It should include accurate and current information about your qualifications. This also includes a list of personal attributes.Information such as your education, experience, past jobs, educational background and specific skills are all vital information. For a professional resume it is therefore essential to consider certain details and things to be included.A resume service provides all this information to prospective employers in order to help them in making a decision whether you are a suitable person for the job or not. This is the most vital step in the process of applying for a job, as without the appropriate information the decision will not be based on your skills and abilities.Available information regarding the applicant should be based on career paths, which might be helpful in narrowing down the options. An example would be if the applicant has worked in sales, then the service can focus on this and put them at the top of the list of possibilities. Similarly, if the person is an accountant, the resume service can highlight the skills and talents of the person which would then be reflected in the selection process.It is also important to consider employability skills. A lot of people go through a hiring process only to find out that they don't have the appropriate skills for the job.Hence, the best resume writing service should be able to highlight these skills. This is so because employers are looking for work force to take on certain responsibilities. If they find that the person has the ability to handle a certain assignment, they will most likely hire him or her.An excellent resume service will also have a database of recent graduates who are looking for a new job. Such a database will make the recruitment process easier for the applicant as it provides a list of recent graduates who may be appropriat e for the job.There are many factors which can lead to an applicant being rejected by the employer. As the hiring manager of the company, it is essential that he or she gets all the necessary information in order to make the right decision. In order to be a good candidate an applicant should always try to obtain relevant details from the resume writing service.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

You Cant Obtain Success By Defining it Yourself! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

You Cant Obtain Success By Defining it Yourself! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Today, I spoke with Romanus Wolter, who has successfully branded himself as The Kickstart guy. He has a lot of knowledge when it comes to entrepreneurship and business coaching. We talked about how people should define success, how to start a business from a simple idea, why some people dont make the leap (quitting instead) and if you need an MBA to succeed in life. Some of this information may be repetition, but I believe youll learn a lot and rethink your career a bit after reading it. Romanus, what is your definition of success? What should people strive for and it is possible for everyone to become successful? A person is successful when they realize that they can actually never attain success as defined by themselves. Other people can be amazed by their achievements â€" but since we are human, once we reach a specific goal we always seek out our next success. A client of mine dreams of getting their book published. They work hard, they tell their friends and family about their goals and they know that it will change their lives. After their book is published, they’re happy but soon begin to ask themselves “I wonder what my next book will be?” “Perhaps I can turn the book into a movie, now that would be really a great success.” “If I could get on Oprah, I could reach even more people.” The realization that we can never be ‘the definition of success’ is comforting. It enables people to freely explore new opportunities and discover the possibilities present rather than focusing on outcomes that may or may not make them feel successful. This is what true success is all about â€" creating moments in your life to explore, learn, celebrate and improve the world around you. How does one go from an idea to a business? What steps are needed to put your ideas into action? The best way to go from an idea into a business is to follow what I like to call “The Three Rules to Live By”: Speak from your passion â€" it inspires others to help you. Listen to others â€" you do not have to start your business alone. There are others with the expertise and knowledge you need to succeed â€" ask for their help and listen to their ideas. Write it down â€" The first four letters of listen are “LIST.” Write down every idea, contact and strategy people share with you. Circumstances change and an idea that seems silly today will become brilliant tomorrow. To speak from your passion you focus in on your intents. There are two types of intentinternal and external. Your internal intent is why you want to start the business â€" what do you hope to get out of it. Your external intent explains how will your business benefits other people. People can’t argue with benefit and it gives them a reason to help you. Together, these intents provide the motivation you need to keep you going if times get tough. If you want to really ‘kick-start’ your idea into a business â€" discover a way to start it today. That may sound crazy but its possible if you free your imagination and engage other people. For instance I had a client that wanted to start a new bar where people could gather, talk, play games â€" recreating a “family room”. They believed their business was years away because they needed to overcome huge obstacles such as raising money, securing a location and obtaining a liquor license. I simply asked the question, “How can you start this business today?” They felt it was impossible. So I asked them to follow the three steps above â€" and they were amazed at the results. A friend of theirs knew the owners of a restaurant who had a bar area he wasn’t using to its full extent. What if they partnered with the owner (who already had the permits, licenses, glasses, furniture) and tested their concept out? Their bar could actually attract more people to his restaurant. If you want to start a restaurant, cook at friends’ houses for a small fee or offer to ‘take over’ a local restaurant on a slow night. There is always a way to start and test our your idea today or at least tomorrow! A lot of people quit their blogs and businesses after a few short months. What is your advice to stick with it and carry it out? Starting a business is hard work. Most people don’t stick it out because the amount of effort required to build their businesses is not worth the “immediate payback.” Reward for your effort motivates you to keep going â€" and the best way to accomplish this is to get out of your own way. Many entrepreneurs develop a product or service and believe that they don’t have to alter it in order to win big. They work hard to “push down walls” to get it to the marketplace and then are flabbergasted when no one buys it. You won’t make any money selling to yourself. In the beginning, you can build a solid business foundation by simply listening to the marketplace and delivering what it needs. Your customers are more than happy to tell you how to modify a product or service so it meet their needs and you make money. Ask them! And once you establish a solid foundation and a great reputation â€" people will start listening to you. That’s when you will have the time and resources to try out your crazy ideas and develop that new product that everyone needs but never realized it. Would you recommend an MBA for everyone? Will it benefit some over others and is it required to build a strong business? I recommend that anyone going for an MBA write down what they want to achieve in school rather than just going to school because it’s the next best thing to do. Do you want to gain contacts to help you start your business? Do you want to test out an idea in the safety of a school setting? Define your real reason for getting an MBA and how will it help further your goals. When I went for my MBA my goals where two fold â€" I wanted to work in London and I wanted to test out my ideas on a new method for starting businesses. I chose my school based on their business contacts in London and whether or not their curriculum would allow me to test out my own theories. My work in school and at Business in the Community in London was the foundation for my first book “Kick Start Your Dream Business.” To build a strong business you need two things â€" passion and the willpower to take action. You can learn what you need to do whether you are in school, at home or in a corporate environment. What steps have you taken to build your personal brand over time? It all comes down to my ‘three rules to live by’ â€" speak from your passion, listen to others and write it down. These rules keep you aware of opportunities and inspire other to help you achieve even greater success. My one ‘secret to building a personal brand’ is to engage naysayers. Most people ignore anyone who says something negative about their ideas. I tell myself that they have experience to share and I had better listen to it â€" so I engage them. The result is that I always learn new strategies and the people who others ignored become my biggest fans. - Romanus Wolter is “The Kick Start Guy. He reaches over 2.4 million entrepreneurs monthly. As the author of the best-selling Kick Start Your Dream Business and Entrepreneur Magazine’s Success Coach Columnist, he provides practical, proven action steps that close the gap between goals and success. His latest book is called Kick Start Your Success. As a radio host and speaker, Romanus opens with a bang and leaves audiences energized and with enough creative ideas to last two lifetimes. His programs are tied together with passion and action! As more than one person has said, “Romanus does not view the cup as half-full or half-emptyâ€"it’s overflowing!”

Thursday, May 21, 2020

With A.I. Now a Reality, Are Human Workers Soon to Become Old Tech

With A.I. Now a Reality, Are Human Workers Soon to Become Old Tech A recent report by PWC has highlighted that more than 10 million UK workers are at high risk of being replaced by robots in the next 15 years (this represents 30% of all jobs). Sectors at particularly high risk are transport, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade and administrative roles. Those who left school with only GCSE-level qualifications are at highest risk, prompting calls for action by the government and employers to invest in upskilling the workforce, along with the possibility of some form of basic universal income. Faster and cheaper Robots and automation have been around for decades, so why now? Moore’s law states that the amount of computer processing power that you can buy for $1 has doubled every 18-24 months and because of this, automisation is now not just a possible option for companies to consider, it is an alternative that can be impossible for some industries to ignore. Foxconn Technology Group, the $100 billion global electronics group, employs over one million people but is now accelerating its program to replace its human factory workers with an “army of robots” to improve efficiency and combat rising labour costs. Computer automation has widely affected jobs in industries such as construction, factory-based manufacturing and transportation and will continue to do so. However, white-collar workers and professionals are also likely to be affected by technological advancements. The cutting edge of programming is seeing developers teach bots to think for themselves. Companies are now programming software robots to “creatively” write, to the point that if you have read a newspaper or magazine recently, odds are that you will have read an article written by a software bot. Software bots are much faster and cheaper than physical robots. White collar workers on the other hand are numerous and expensive. This means from a business perspective the incentive to automate aspects of their work is even greater than for low skilled work and manual labour. Leading A.I. companies have already stepped further, creating virtual workers who interact on a human level. IPsoft state that their avatar Amelia “understands what people ask â€" even what they feel â€" when they call for service.” For example, as a call centre operator Amelia can work using the same instruction manuals or prompts that a human operator would and she “learns” as she works, providing high quality responses consistently. And there are numerous other companies with similarly sophisticated AI products. Replacement or enhancement? IPsoft states that it is not looking to push humans out of a job, it is simply trying to free up humans’ time by allowing Amelia to take on the mundane, repetitive, routine and uninspiring tasks. Taking away these tasks will allow humans to focus on higher value functions. This may well be the case. As A.I. bots grow in number and capability, they will have a dramatic impact on employment. Whilst A.I. won’t replace people entirely, employers will have to completely re-think the structure of their workforces given that machines are likely to carry out a number of roles and tasks, particularly the lower-skilled jobs that are currently undertaken by humans. During this “revolution” new roles will inevitably emerge and will be required to be fulfilled by people. This will require employers, governments and education providers to respond by having to train and up-skill employees and students to work in other areas. Those organisations that fail to accept and embrace this at the right time will undoubtedly be left behind. About the author: Kathryn Dooks  is  Employment Partner at Kemp Little LLP.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Making my first year count

Making my first year count Do you think all the juicy opportunities are reserved for final year students? Think again.  In todays blog post Caroline Omotayo a first year politics student talks about her experience in the National Student Apprentice competition what she learned, how she developed and more importantly how the experience opened her eyes to an exciting new career path As a first year you often hear people telling you that there is no rush to get experience and that youve got plenty of time. But if you consider that your first year accounts for a third of your university life, then suddenly it doesnt seem so mad to get stuck in from the start.  Before coming to Warwick I didnt really know what career path I wanted to take (how many people really do?) but Ive always been keen to make the most of opportunities, get as much experience as possible and then hopefully use this to help me narrow my career choices down.and make a decision.  When I was living in Italy before moving to England I was always the type of person to keen to try new things and get involved. From student to apprentice When the chance came to take part in the University of Warwick Apprentice Competition I didnt really hesitate! I knew it would be a challenge as I had no business experience whatsoever, in fact I barely knew what business was. After all my degree subject politics and sociology is hardly synonymous with business. But I thought it would be a fun experience and as a first year I was keen to try everything in my reach. Little did I know how much I would learn from taking part in the competition! It started out as a general interest which was developed from watching Alan Sugar’s Apprentice to one of the best and worthwhile experiences that I have ever had. I was able to gain a variety of skills such as communication, public speaking, sales, marketing and the list goes on. I met so many new people within the university. I thoroughly enjoyed the competition and I was delighted that I finally found something that I was good at and that was business. Luckily enough one of the judges of the competition actually worked for the consultancy firm Ernst and Young and through him I got to know what consultancy involved and he furthermore explained to me the career sector. This was very valuable to me, because prior to the competition I didn’t even know what consultancy consisted of, so not only was I able to find a role that I enjoyed through the competition, but I was also able to build key contacts. We came second (a pretty good result!) My team actually came second, but the last challenge which involved developing a business plan and presenting it formally to a panel of judges actually scored us 100%. Luckily we were still promoted to the Regional Apprentice in which we represented Warwick University. My team won and we were promoted to the National Student Apprentice in which we competed against Universities from around the UK. During the National Student Apprentice we had the opportunity to further consolidate our skills and also meet fellow students who were keen to gain  entrepreneurial experience. In fact I was one of the youngest students there and I was able to use the skills which I gained from studying politics and sociology to my advantage.   National Student Apprentice. Im on the right. Through the apprentice competitions I learnt not to underestimate myself just because I wasn’t doing a particular degree, so when the opportunity came to do work experience at Bloomberg which is a financial services company, you bet I applied; even though I barely knew anything about finance. One of the things which I loved about having all these apprentice experiences was the amount of valuable examples it gave me to talk about during interviews. During my interview for Bloomberg the majority of my time was spent talking about the skills I developed through the apprentice competitions such as leadership, team work and creativity. This led to me gaining a place at Bloomberg for the work experience and in fact winning the  Bloomberg Great Debate which occurred on the last day of my placement. The Bloomberg Great Debate: Im on the left. Be open to new experiences This all leads to me saying that your degree subject doesnt matter too much. You can get experience regardless dont allow yourself to be pigeon-holed.  I am now going into my second year of university and I have taken part in a Pathways to Law programme at the London School of Economics, participated in the National Student Apprentice, gained valuable experience at Bloomberg, became Chief Operating Officer of Warwick Entrepreneurs, regardless of the fact that I studied Politics and Sociology. Your degree is only a fraction of your package, what you do with it is what really counts and getting as much experience as possible will enable you to stand out in today’s competitive job market.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

10 Reasons You Are Not as Successful as You Should Be

10 Reasons You Are Not as Successful as You Should Be Do you feel like you’re constantly on the verge of success, but somehow it always manages to slip from within your reach?We’ve all been there at some point during our lives. Sometimes it seems that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, fortune ends up favoring someone else.evalAt least that’s how I’ve felt about the matter for the longest time. But then one day, something clicked for me. I began to realize that even though blaming fate and circumstance for my failures might be justified, more often than not this kind attitude prevented me from doing things that were within my power. Instead of focusing on my perceived lack of success, I decided to try and fix things one at a time.I began by creating a list of my most obvious shortcomings, and then I tried to find the reason or cause for each one. Once I had identified what the problems were, I went about fixing them one by one. And the good news is, there is nothing stopping you from doing the same.If you want to get to the bottom of this problem, check out my list of 10 things stopping you fromachieving successand the ways you can overcome them.1) Neglecting to Create a Personal BrandevalMillions of companies and billions of workers are competing for their place under the sun each day.To survive in this environment, you need every advantage you can get, even deceptively simple things like a well-designed logo, aninspiring ‘about me’ page, or an explicit mission statement. All these things come together to form what we call a brand, which is like your signature in the world of business.Without a brand, you would be unrecognizable to the world at large, limiting your opportunities for achieving success. So, cast aside your anonymity, and start working on your personal brand identity.2) Giving up on Learning New ThingsIn pre-modern times, the limited availability of learning opportunities meant that you would learn a profession such as carpentry during your youth, and spend the rest of yo ur life practicing it.evalBut once education became more widely available thanks to technological inventions and social change, people could in principle change their profession at any point by learning new things. Today,lifelong learningis no longer optional, but necessary in order to achieve success.The modern economy is in a state of flux, and the only surefire way to get ahead is to keep track of the situation, and learn the skills needed in order to respond to it.3) Shying Away from ChallengesTo succeed means to surpass, to overcome some kind of obstacle. And if there are no obstacles to overcome, growth, progress, and success lose all meaning. So, in order to succeed, you have to keep surpassing yourself.You have to consciously put yourself into situations that will put your skills to the test. In other words, you need to keep challenging yourself at all times, otherwise you will end up stagnating.evalHowever, this doesn’t mean that you should be pushing yourself to the brin k. Success is a matter of increments, which means you should build up to it one step at a time.4) Working Without PassionPeople have the habit of thinking about success in strictly rational terms. It is a matter of doing thing X and Y in order to achieve Z. But success hinges more on the passion to succeed than it does on the method used to get there. After all, we arecreatures of emotion, as well as of reason.Neglect your passions when trying to succeed is like entering a boxing match with one hand tied behind your back. In other words, if you really want to succeed, you really have to want to succeed.eval5) Working Without a GoalThe word ‘success’ is often used as a catch-all term for all kinds of achievements, which is not very helpful when you are actually trying to obtain it.After all, what counts as success for one man can easily be perceived as failure by another. So instead of chasing some vague notion of success, you shoulddefine a specific goalor set of goals you want to accomplish.For instance, if you’re running an ecommerce website, don’t just chase after ‘more sales’. Instead, come up with a number of sales you want to reach for a specific time period, and then work towards achieving that specific goal.6) Hiding Your AchievementsSometimes people are afraid to show off their achievements because they feel they’re not good enough. This kind of critical attitude can be beneficial if it pushes you to try and do better each time, but it can also be detrimental to your pursuit of success.Whether you are trying to impress clients, cater to consumers, or land a job, you need some proof that you have what it takes to meet the challenge. And there is no better proof thanproviding examples of your work. Even if you’re not entirely satisfied with your portfolio Trying to do everything by yourself still has some romantic appeal to it, but in order tobecome what you really want to be, you shouldn’t be ashamed to seek help from others.Your fami ly and friends are your first line of support when it comes to pursuing success, followed by acquaintances, colleagues from work, business partners, and anyone who is willing to lend a helping hand.8) Being Tech-IlliterateTechnology is the driving force of social progress. Machines have changed the way we live and work for the better, and they have enabled us to achieve things previously thought to be impossibleUnfortunately, many people are still tech-illiterate 9) Lacking FlexibilityYou cannot predict the future, no matter how hard you try. This means that there are no guaranteed outcomes, no matter how much you plan things in advance. So, if you are too rigid in the way you pursue your success, you are guaranteed to run into obstacles you can’t overcome.What you should be doing instead isadopting a more flexible outlookon life. Never limit yourself to only one path, and always leave a few options open in case you come across a dead end in your current pursuit.10) Being Too Seri ousSuccess is important in life, but not so important that you should sacrifice everything for it.Many people put their well-being on the line, hoping that the fruits of their labor will make it all worth it in the end. But if you end up burning out in your pursuit of success, there won’t be anyone present at the finish line to enjoy the spoils. So instead of being single-minded in your pursuit of success, you should adopt a more playful,fun-loving attitudetowards the whole thing.Do the things within your power that will bring you closer to your goals, but don’t forget to have some fun along the way.Parting WordsAchieving success is something everyone aspires to, but few people know how to accomplish. The reason for this is often a lack of understanding what success is, which limits your options for achieving it.I hope that this article has given you a few ideas on how to think about success, and what you can do to improve your odds of grasping it in the end.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Safety first - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Safety first - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Saw this on my cruise vacation last week. Found it mildly ironic :o) Click image for full size and to better appreciate the irony. PS. No, that was not the ship we sailed on! Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Find Your Place in the World of Work - Hallie Crawford

How to Find Your Place in the World of Work In November 2015, statistics showed that around 121.9 million people were employed on a full-time basis in the United States. That’s a lot of people working full-time. However, other studies show that over 50% of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs. Too many people are not in the right fit in their careers. So how can you find your place in the world of work? Transform how you think. There are a few mistakes that many professionals make when it comes to their job satisfaction. Many balance being unhappy with the fact that they are getting a good paycheck. Others are in a job because their family chose their career path for them. Still others had a natural talent and decided they were good at a certain job and stuck with it, even though they didn’t truly enjoy it. While a steady paycheck and being good at your job are absolutely critical to your well-being, to find the right career fit, it’s more important to ask yourself what you actually want to do and what works for you first. Then you need to balance the answer with being practical. If you do this â€" start with fulfillment â€" you will find a career path that not only pays your bills but also fits your practical needs. If you brainstorm career ideas based on compensation first, for example, it will limit your thinking. If you start with what you would enjoy, then add in your practical needs, you will get closer to finding something you truly feel rewarded by. This will enable you to think outside the box and come up with additional career ideas, and allow you to balance the practical with the passion rather than compromise the passion completely for the practical. Let me be clear here: This isn’t Pollyanna, and everything isn’t perfect. You will have to make compromises, but when you have a choice about where to compromise, and actively make that choice, it makes a big difference in your sense of satisfaction at work. No job is always going to be perfect. What we are going for is finding a job where the good so far outweighs the bad that we hardly notice the bad or difficult parts of our position. Action Tip: Identify your current attitude towards your job. How do you feel about it? Do you fall into any of the categories above, where you’re trading fulfillment for a high paycheck? Is that OK with you? If it’s not, ask yourself what you would want if you focused first on enjoyment or fulfillment. Make a list of those things, then for each one, think about if and how you can incorporate those items into your current career path for greater reward. If you can’t, then consider if you are willing to make a career transition. Find your authentic self. To find your place in the business world, it’s also important to align your career with authenticity. This is a process that is focused on you first â€" your values, priorities, and skills. Doing this allows you to find out what has deep meaning for you personally and whether you can incorporate that into your current career path. To find fulfillment in your career, you have to feel authentic at work. Too many people feel like they have to become someone else at work, which leads to immense dissatisfaction. Action Tip: Write down your career values, what is important for you to have present in your work every day (the type of people you want to work with, the culture, types of tasks you want to perform), and which skills you want to leverage at work on a regular basis. Then identify which items are present in your current job and which are not. Star the ones that are not present and think about whether you can incorporate them somehow into your current position. Expand your thinking. After you’ve completed the steps above, if you’ve determined it’s time to make a career change because you cannot incorporate what you want into your current job, then you need to brainstorm alternative career paths. You can do this by using keywords from what you jotted down so far regarding your interests, values, talents, and anything else above. Create a list of five to seven keywords you can use to start brainstorming possible career ideas. For example, if you value education, it can go on your list; you can also add mentoring and training or professional development. If a natural talent for you is working with numbers, perhaps you write down “data analysis” or “financial analyst.” As you create your list it’s important to pick out keywords that would make sense to plug into Google or a job search website â€" like “financial analysis” or “math,” not “a good boss.” That won’t pull up anything related to a career idea necessarily. Once you have identified your keywords, plug them into Google. For example, “careers in math” or “careers related to data analysis.” You can also make good use of job boards, like and, and other websites, such as and, to help you brainstorm. Develop your list of ideas and make sure to keep it organized. A great way to do so is in an Excel sheet with tabs for each possible career path you come up with. Another great way to get ideas is to ask friends and family to brainstorm with you. Take care to filter their suggestions; don’t go with what they say it if doesn’t work for you. Action Tip: Using the list you made in the last tip, identify which of those values or skills would make relevant keywords to plug into job boards or Google. Create a system to stay organized as you brainstorm. Be willing to take a risk. Keep in mind that there is always risk involved when you try something new or work to achieve a new goal. For example, you may step into a job you may not feel 100% qualified for, you might have to take a class to learn a new skill, or you may end up deciding your new career path is in a different industry than you’ve been in before. You may find you need a transition/stepping-stone job to get to the dream job. Remember, risk is part of the deal. Keep in mind that successful people don’t avoid obstacles; they know how to overcome them. Michael Jordan said, “If youre trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. Ive had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles dont have to stop you. If you run into a wall, dont turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Action Tip: Don’t let the fear of risk hold you back. Start now by identifying one step you can take this week to find your place in the world of work.